
Thanks to the highly qualified staff, WPK Pharmacies provide professional consulting services. Our pharmacists and pharmaceutical assistants are regularly trained and attend continuous education programmes.

At our pharmacies, we can provide FREE blood pressure and body fat tests, and based on the obtained results, may recommend suitable diet adjustments to you.

We also professionally advice you on the effects and interaction of drugs and food supplements.

Smokers are welcomed for help and assistance: our trained pharmacists will help you quit smoking.

We advise diabetic patients on how to correctly modify their life style and how to slow down the disease, as well as how to prevent any further complications.

Our pharmacists and pharmaceutical assistants will also help you check the expiration dates on the individual items of your home first aid kits and/or suggest suitable products to be added.

We also take back any drugs for disposal.


  • Body fat measurement
  • Blood pressure measurement
  • Consultation and check of the interaction of ano drugs and food supplements you use
  • Guidance to diabetic patients
  • Assistance in composition of travel and home first-aid kits
  • Checking drugs expiration dates and the disposal of medicaments


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